
Hello Dribbble friends

It's now almost 10 years ago since we launched Semplice. 10 years of being independent, 10 years of building, what we think, is the best portfolio builder out there. Trusted by some of the most talented people in the industry, it's all we could ever wish for.

We don't care about being the biggest, we care about who chooses to use Semplice because that's who inspires us to keep going. We love that we're small and focused because it lets us build for ourselves and the people we most admire.

And after 10 years, we thought it is time for a new homepage re-design. Our goal was to design something timeless, something that can last us for the coming 10 years. Something that feels based, grounded, and traditional but yet at the same time just modern enough.

Of course, we will always keep tweaking, but we're happy with where we landed.

Thank you for everyone who supported us so far on our journey! And we hope you like our new landing page.

Posted on Jan 31, 2023
Tobias van Schneider ▲▲▲
German designer in New York City

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