Urals Moving Homepage Website Design

Urals Moving Company Website Homepage

Urals Moving is a professional moving company dedicated to providing efficient and reliable relocation services to clients in Toronto & GTA.

The website provides information about the company, services and a quick way to request a company & book a move.

Website design included:

  • Initial meeting with the client to understand what business is about, who is their target audience and what they are trying to achieve with their new website;

  • To understand what business competitors are offering on the market, and how Urals Moving website could be better than them - did competitor research;

  • Reorganized the website's content and created a clear hierarchy for the information architecture;

  • Created wireframes to establish the layout and content placement for each page;

  • Provided professional photoshoots to create authentic photo content for the website;

  • After having photos & content in place - developed a visual design that reflects the brand and appeals to the target audience;

  • Defined the interactions and animations for the website elements to provide an engaging and intuitive user experience;

  • Followed accessibility guidelines - ensured the website is fully responsive and accessible for all users and all devices, including desktop, tablet, and mobile.

  • Validated the design with client, by getting their approval for development;


Urals Moving Homepage's main goal is to provide a clear and compelling introduction to the company and its services, guiding the user to take their desired next step, whether it be to learn more about the company, request a quote, or start the moving process. The Home Page had to be clear, with direct calls-to-action and easy navigation to key information, creating a positive user experience and helping to establish trust and credibility with Urals Moving

Urals Moving Company Homepage Design Toronto

About Page

The primary goal of our about page is a deeper understanding of the company, its values & mission, helping to build a relationship with potential customers and establish credibility.

Urals Moving Company About Page Design Toronto

Service Page

This page had to provide a comprehensive overview of the company's service(in this case residential moving), making it easy for the user to understand what services are offered, how they differ from other moving companies, and why they should choose Urals Moving. The primary goal of this page is to convert users to Get a Quote Page or contact company.

Urals Moving Company Service Page Design Toronto

Supplies Page

The goal of the Moving Boxes & Supplies page is to provide a convenient and accessible shopping experience for users who are looking to purchase moving boxes and supplies, making it easy for them to find what they need and purchase with confidence.

Supplies & Equipment Page

The goal of the Equipment Renting page is to provide clear and detailed information about the company's equipment rental services, making it easy for users to understand what equipment is available, how to rent it, and make informed decisions.

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