Avatar Set for Recipient

Hi everyone! (*^‿^*)

Just want to share my last year's project. I've created more than 20+ avatar assets for the recipients of the payment gateway mobile app.

On the app, the function of the avatar eventually as a visual aid to help the user recognize their favorite beneficiaries as well as to distinguish the recipient with the same bank account name.

The project was handled with care by the company's in-house product design team; myself included ´・ᴗ・`)


In early iteration, we explore variations of styles to match the company personality by creating a range of options, from minimalist to more detailed ones, and most importantly, to set clear silhouettes of the aesthetic we want to aim for.


The head-only avatars can be tricky when it comes to smaller sizes. We solved this by putting on more accessories.

The details become essential to differentiate each avatar from one avatar to that one. Mean by the details are things going on in the avatar such as t-shape faces, hairstyles, clothes, expressions, skin tones, and hand gestures that can be a huge injection to build a personality into each of them.

However, we also notice the details might be a barrier as the users need to fast-scanning each recipient. It might be another cognitive load as the characteristics and attributes need the effort to be remembered; another hustle to tell them apart unambiguously.

For that reason, we narrowed down some alternatives. One, we iterate with limited colors. Second, the hairstyles, clothes, and accessories play huge roles to show avatar's the rest of the story.

03. The Eyes

In the early concept, the avatar has eyes. We believe the eyes are the window of the soul; this time is an exception. ◉‿◉

Lack of desire to put the user's soul into the limitless list of their beneficiaries, we simplify the t-shapes to create similarity in aim to focus on the accessories rather than the faces.

04. It, They, Them

Sometimes, we don't want to take something personally, that being the case why we represent the recipient as a symbol of a building and stuff.

xx. The Cats

I am just personally proud of them. Use one of those cats as my current profile picture right now (=ↀωↀ=)

( •̀ᴗ•́ )و ̑̑ Final Preview


In conclusion, I learned so many ways about people & visuals & semantics, and so on. Next time I will share the default avatar for this project. So, that's all guys, hope you enjoy my work and wish you a great, awesome day ✌️

✨ Thank You ✨

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Aisha Ahya
UI/UX Illustrator, Designer & Artist.

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