Property Listing/Bidding App

Sell Any home is a platform that connects home owners with buyers/real estate investors. Home owners get an instant online estimate of their property’s value after submitting few basic details such as the number of rooms, location, square footage ..etc.

Following that, the seller books an appointment then a SellAnyHome consultant visits the property to conduct a thorough inspection and evaluation that covers 100 points, from checking every door and tap to the air conditioning, with pictures taken inside and out.

The information is then uploaded to the app whereby a formal binding offer is generated for the seller within a 30-minute window.

I was hired by Sell Any Home team to help with designing the mobile app, and the platform's backend, and worked closely with the dev team to build the needed assets for development and ensure pixel perfection.

Check out this project on 👉 my website


Combining the client’s research along with my own research, we created multiple charts illustrating the logistics & user flows which helped identify our user profiles: Home owners, Home buyers, Inspectors

Overview/App Flow

Home owner flow

Home buyer/bidder/partner flow

Staff / inspector flow



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Mo Eid
Digital Designer + Art Director & other stuff

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