Building company | homepage

Current project - site of a construction company, which is a home page, description and portfolio of the company.

List the main features of the project:

✓ Search for construction companies: users can search for construction companies in their area and compare their services and prices.

✓ Reviews and ratings: users can view reviews and ratings about construction companies from other users.

✓ Project catalog: users can browse through the catalog of projects completed by construction companies and select the ones that meet their requirements.

✓ Cost calculator: users can use the cost calculator to estimate their project cost and compare it with the prices offered by different construction companies.

✓ Notifications: users can set up notifications of new projects, price changes, and other market events.

✓ Social media sharing: users can share their experiences with construction companies and discuss construction with other users on social media.

✓ Personal profile: users can create their profile, save their favorite construction companies and receive personalized project recommendations.

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