Difference Between Web design & Web development

The concept and appearance of the website are included in the web design. The web design method begins with the creation of a mockup that focuses on UI, UX, and visual elements. Web development, on the contrary hand, demands the use of programming languages such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP to make design files executable.

Web design Adelaide, in the same way, that it establishes the appearance of a website, creates and works on what a user will see on their computer or mobile device. Through the insightful use of colors, graphics, typography, layouts, and other elements, web design assists with bringing a digital experience to life.

Web development is categorized into two types front-end and back-end. Front-end developers are the conduits through which web designers and back-end developers communicate. Their foremost programming languages are JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and HTML (JS). These languages enable the development of a fully functional website, from the principle layout to the addition of images and videos, as well as the use of various kinds of designs and fonts, form interfaces, and other features.

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