Branding for Children's Charity

KIDS + CHAMPIONS is a children’s charity on a mission to raise money and awareness by filming a helicopter tour around Australia. The funds raised through their campaign will go towards training and pairing adult mentors with children from dysfunctional families who need support, love, and attention. 

The brand uses social media channels to reach its audience, this is why the visual language relies heavily on a combination of photographs, typography, and colors to make an impact. The visual language that I designed for them is fluid and flexible – the brand relies more on its visual tone and image combination than on Logo by itself to build brand recognition. 

This is the initial mood board that I created for the brand, it would set the atmosphere for the brand and serve as inspiration for the brand mark exploration:

After the initial mood and visual tone was established, I created a quick round of sketches and then narrowed the logo concepts down to four potential winners:

All four ideas were liked by the team but the tilted plus sign was eventually chosen as a keeper since the founder was keen on bold, minimalist branding.

The plus brand mark became the cornerstone of the brand, symbolising both the helicopter used as transportation for the tour as well as positivity and representing positivity and empowerment. The plus would be used as a standalone brand mark and it would interact with colors, images, typography, and photography to form a strong and coherent face for the brand. 

A stamp-like emblem was created around the brand mark to better represent the brand on merchandise, vehicles decals and print: 

ou can look at the full branding manual that I created here.

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