Payfinity Brand Identity Design


Payfinity is a revolutionary e-payment app that makes it easy to pay for goods and services, send and receive money, and manage your finances all from your smartphone. With Payfinity, you can make payments online, in-store, and on-the-go using a variety of payment methods, including debit and credit cards, bank transfers, and digital wallets. Payfinity is fast, secure, and convenient, and it's designed to help you save time and money. Plus, with features like budgeting tools and purchase tracking, Payfinity helps you stay on top of your finances and make informed financial decisions. Whether you're paying for groceries, splitting the bill with friends, or sending money to family members, Payfinity has you covered. Download Payfinity today and join the future of e-payments.

The logo

The word “Payfinity” comes from the two words Infinity and Payment. To construct a logo for the e-payment app Payfinity, one option could be to incorporate the infinity symbol (∞) into the design. This could be done by creating a stylized "P" using the infinity symbol, to represent the "infinity" part of the name. The "payment" aspect of the name could be represented by including a symbol or icon that is commonly associated with payments or financial transactions, such as a coin or a money bag. So, keeping both ideas in mind, as well as other ideas, we came up with a solution with the logo.


One of the main challenges for this branding was to simplify it. We had to try something different because most of these brands have very generic logos. Yes, the logo mark appears generic, but it blends so well with the other brand items that it becomes something unique.


Following extensive research and workshops, we created a comprehensive branding plan that included a visually appealing design as well as effective messaging and positioning strategies. We summarized Payfinity's value proposition into a concise statement in order to clearly communicate it to clients, investors, and the media. We also developed brand guidelines to guide the use of our brand.

Payfinity Brand Identity Design



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