Posters for
The project for the graphic design course at an onoffline school, Kyiv, 2022.
Client: Gladpet, a platform where a person can find and shelter a pet from Ukrainian shelters in Kyiv and Odesa cities, post information about the pet who is looking for a home, become a remote guardian, volunteer or just help with food.
The task: create posters, that will attract attention to the problem of homeless pets in Ukraine, especially nowadays.
My poster is a story about a wonderful dog Milka, who lives in a shelter in Odesa now. She will never see again, but she is a playful and friendly, experienced dog – a worthy candidate for a family. The poster was made in a form of a resume, with a nice profile to emphasize the dog's character and its strengths.
Credits to: the teacher of the course Viktoriia Moskofidi.