Huegel Design Co. Primary Icon

Change is inevitable. The more we resist it, the more Nature reminds us of our own essential progression.

Over the last 3-6 months, I have been working on a lot within myself and looking for the pieces that truly allow me to tick as an individual. This time has been wildly eye-opening and I've discovered so many barriers that I had put up and have found ways to unlock some doors that have silenced my true needs and held me in a life of comfort.

As those walls started to crumble, I began to see new avenues for myself personally and professionally that I had never imagined possible. That is what brings us here today (drum roll please!)... TO THE START OF SOMETHING NEW.

As of today, my business will no longer be named Doug Does Design and will evolve into Huegel Design Co. It's a bitter-sweet feeling to finally say that, but it is a change that I could no longer hold back from my clients, work, and the trail that I continue to follow.

I started my business loving the potential of the catchy, local business-like moniker that Doug Does Design offered, but as I continue to work with larger outdoor brands across the globe, I felt a stronger, more grown-up name would be a better pairing for the long run. I also have been feeling some serious FOMO for use of our unique last name as I pair my creativity with building up @huegelhandcrafted and work alongside my brother's successful business @huegeltaxidermy. The Huegel name is one that began to quite clearly overshadow my first name within the identity of my brand and passion for my art.

With this rebrand, you will also see the use of a brand-new icon. A determined whitetail buck that proudly hoists the Huegel flag. As I dive deeper into my ancestry and roots in hunting, I grow more and more in love every day with the divine beauty of the deer that roam our mountains and fields of Pennsylvania. They are more intelligent than most would give credit, which is on full display every time I find myself pursuing a potential harvest. I chose a whitetail as my logo mark to display the resiliency and ability to adapt as the identity of Huegel Design Co. while also connecting to the outdoor/hunting industry I specialize in creating for.

These changes may have happened over the course of a few months, but I truly feel that this was a rebrand 7 years in the making. For myself to fully understand the path's direction for my independent studio, I had to shed the layers of comfort a past life provided and accept the unknowns of a rebuild and fresh start for the purposes I was meant for.

As I type this today, I couldn't be more excited for what's ahead and the prospect of continuing this journey with all of those close to me that have supported Doug Does Design for its six full years of business. Huegel Design Co. will continue to carry the torch from here on out as we all continue to grow.

Here's to braving the unknown together and trusting Nature to guide us when she needs to 🤘

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