DailyUI #002 - Credit Card Checkout

HelloΒ DribbblersΒ πŸ‘‹

This is my #002 Daily UI design.Β 

Design Hint πŸ’»

Design a credit card checkout form or page. Don't forget the important elements such as the numbers, dates, security numbers, etc.

The Idea πŸ’‘

The idea for today’s UI design is a credit card checkout screen for a theoretical high-end mobile app marketplace on Android and iOS. The design would follow a modern, simple and minimalist design. The whole set in a dark theme looks much better than the original version I prepared in a light theme.

Final Thoughts 🧠

I'm a big fan of simplicity, which will be an important design trend in the coming year. Admittedly, the thought crossed my mind to try to design a fancy credit card, but the context I chose needed simplicity much more than the visual layer of the card. Do I like what I did and all that was going on around it? Yes. For a few hours of work, I think what I did is a piece of cool design that could be used in real life.


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