Frozen Melody

We created this image for a special event — White Party at Andersen. Here were wanted to capture the magnificent moment of a fairy tale taking place at the venue and in details of the guests’ suits giving the vibes of the Snow Queen story.

Thank you Liliya for this collaboration.


Have we succeeded? What is your opinion?

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We started with defining the color theme and venue. Grotesque Ice castle surrounded by snowy mountains and full moon seem to be the best option to show the mystery of the place. Pastel lavender colors in a snowy landscape attract and give the idea of the event theme.

Therefore, we added shadows and shaped the central character - pianist playing his music on the edge of a cracked ice rock, having just his piano, chair to sit on and the deep cave behind. With the pianist and the cave we wanted to give the idea of the sound of music — very different, echoing, deep and enigmatic.

The final stage — mockup. After the image is all ready, we applied it to some advertisements’ digital mediums to see the final look. It turned out really nice, stylish and at the same time fairy and mysterious - exactly what the party it expected to be. What do you think of the final result?

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