Login Form / Forgot Password Page

Simplify the login process with our sleek and intuitive login form and easily recover your password with our convenient forgot password feature.

This layout is a little more visually interesting than a simple login, and the space on the left can be utilized to show off the product UI, features, or customer testimonials to add a little bit of social proof.

Form Validation Feature

Save time and avoid errors with our user-friendly form validation feature, ensuring all your important information is entered correctly and efficiently

Sweet Notifications

Stay in control of your account with our helpful forgot password notifications, ensuring you can reset your password and get back to your important tasks quickly and easily

Google Authentication

Experience the security and convenience of logging in with Google through our seamless Google authentication login feature

About Us

Rowgrid is a design and development agency specialized in creating simple and performance user experiences for startups and the world’s leading companies.

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