Special Project: The Cat Horoscope

The stars have aligned, and it finally brings you here. Your MEOWroscope tells a lot about your personality. So, which type of cat are you?


The wisest among the cats. Capricorn cats are often described as stern, practical, and too serious. They don’t usually engage in risky activities, even though they have nine lives.


Oh... so you’re a Taurus cat. We know how much you love food. So we’re wondering how you stay grounded and down to earth while being stylish and luxurious. Well, I think that comes naturally as a Taurus cat...


Lurking in the shadows, observing, and watching your every move — these are things that Virgo cats do. Aside from being observant, Virgo cats are also keen on keeping themselves clean and graceful in all situations.


Aries cats are adventurous and full of courage. They conquer mountains and explore caves! They move with the wind as if they’re paragliding and skydiving. They dive with the fish, and sometimes eat them... yikes!


Regarding drama, Leo cats lead the field by a mile. They’re draaaa-matic and expurr-essive, but don’t you get the wrong impression here! This is just who they are. Having a Leo cat as your friend is great since they’re also extremely loyal.


Oh! Mountain! Oh! The Sea! Oh! A Cave! Name one place that adventurous and thrill-seeking Saggitarius cats haven’t been to. Go on, name one! I’m waiting!


Ever been to parties? Ever seen cats dancing and being loud on the dance floor? You probably saw a Gemini cat. Gemini cats are often the center of attention at parties ‘cos they love going all-out crazy and playful with everyone!


You’re a total social butterfly and the perfect balance of everything. It is often easy for you to charm others, not just with your looks but also with your affectionate and loving personality! However, Libra cats were found to be a bit lazy.


Leaning toward the creative side? You might be an Aquarius cat! Those of you who fall under this MEOWroscope are destined to be artists. But that’s not the end of it. Aquarius cats are also smart, friendly, loyal, and independent!


Cancer cats are known to be faithful, protective, and full of love and sweetness. But be careful of your words and actions; they are quite... *whispers* sensitive.


Now comes the most fearless of the bunch. With their nine lives in their paw, ready to spend them all, Scorpio cats have journeyed from era to era, bringing down empires and... oh well, that’s a story for another day. But, anyway, they’re strong and courageous. That’s it.


Have problems? Pisces cats. Need to rant? Pisces cats. Broke up with your partner? Pisces cats. Pisces cats are your best friend if you need a good listener and great emotional support.

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Sketchy Digital Studio
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