Online Clothing store landing page pg 2
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I accept the assignment from , an e-learning platform.
Task: Design an online clothing store landing page ?
Description : Your task is to create an online clothing store landing page. A bright yellow ombre background image with a heading + logo in the top right corner. Use Smart Animate to create fun transitions using Figma as directed in lesson no-5. You can always be minimal & interesting at the same time. Use easy-to-understand language with high-quality catchy visuals. Make sure to keep sections 70% Visually heavy & 30% Content heavy. Create micro animations using Figma to make interactions more pleasant & visually appealing. Lastly, end your task by creating 3 dynamic buttons on the landing page:
1. Add to cart button.
2. Add to wishlist button.
Check it out, there's a little animation effect in this design :
------Give me a thumbs up, and I'll be more motivated to create the creative design.--------
Check it out my portfolio: