Boudica's Gambit

Full uncropped image here:

led by Bran- Boudica’s little posse of rebels fight their way along the top of the speeding train towards the carriage that they believe is carrying an experimental super weapon. Rigby- explosives primed in her satchel- fires off shell after shell, while Cerise shields the party with white magic. Bran and his faithful bodyguard Cynebald take the lead while Sartorio primes a powerful offensive spell.

Little do they realise that they’re about to fall straight into the devious governor’s trap…

This was supposed to be a quick little image done for for fun, but ended up being a 2 year slog of a picture that went through multiple stages and permutations being worked on and then put aside for months at a time. I've made a video to show the process here:

Posted on Dec 28, 2022

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