Just for fun: mymind for Android

I'm a huge fan of the mymind team, and the great product they are building. I haven't found anything like it and the way they are using new technologies in software is fascinating.

That said, I still think the Android app needs some work towards design, mainly on two topics: better dark mode, a more Android feeling and make it look less a web app.

The first one they have already solved on the web with a good dark palette that I just took and replicated.

The second is a little bit more complex as that feeling is difficult to achieve without making the app feel a little "googly".

This is my first approach on it, basically taking each component and converting it to a "Material" feel, with 8dp baseline as the main reason it feels more "Android".

Still, this is half the road, as part of this explorations will take the "mymind" brand feeling and making it pop on this UI in other ways.

Sidenote: This is just an exercise for fun. I don't work for the mymind team or have any intention to make this as real suggestions as I don't have enough context on the design decisions the team do internally.

Omar Tosca
co-founder of Shortcut
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