LSS.GG Visual ID Guidelines

LSS Design System


Hi fellow designers!

I recently worked on creating a visual brand guideline and UI design system for a gaming app called LSS.GG. If you're not familiar, it's a League of Legends simulator that helps players improve their skills.

I wanted to share why I think a visual brand guideline and UI design system are so important, especially for a gaming app. First and foremost, a well-designed user interface (UI) is crucial for providing an enjoyable and easy-to-use experience for players. A consistent visual brand identity helps create trust and credibility with players, and makes the app stand out in a crowded market.

But it's not just about the users - having a visual brand guideline and UI design system in place can also make our jobs as designers much easier. By having clear guidelines to follow, we can focus on creating a cohesive and visually appealing app, rather than spending time trying to figure out the best way to incorporate the brand's visual elements. This can save time and resources, and ultimately lead to a better product for users.

I hope this was helpful and gave you some insight into the importance of a visual brand guideline and UI design system. Happy designing!

Alae Cherkaoui
Bridging the gap between tech and imagination šŸŖ

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