Linked Roles on Discord

We boosted Connections for Discord users and developers: Show off even more details from your connected accounts, and gain new Linked Roles that can grant access to special channels within a server. Admins can now add linked roles to their server via connections or apps to improve the safety and authenticity of members within your community. This creates a better experience for all members and admins alike.

Admin set up

Admins of servers are able to go to Server Settings > Roles > Links and add role requirements to a role. These requirements can be set using connections or 3rd party apps. As usual, I made an NUX video to explain it:

Member set up

Once an admin in a server has set up a Linked Role, members will be able to access them in the server menu dropdown. Members can easily choose the role they want and connect their accounts to get the role. Then, members with Linked Roles will have more access to channels. If a channel is gated by a Linked Role, then it will display a role tag next to your username that other members can click and see the requirements you passed to get that role.

Improved Connections

Connection is a way to display account information on your Discord by linking to it. You link your accounts by signing into them and verifying that you own them. We wanted to take authentication a step further by allowing these external identities to share extra info from your Connections on your profile like follower count, game item inventory, status and more.

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You can read more about Linked Roles & Connections in this article written by The Verge. You can also apply to build with our new API to create your own Connections and Linked Roles integrations here.

More by John Avent

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