Integrate your company's email client with Convo

Emails are the blood inside any business organization. Imagine how would marketing, sales, and head office survive without them even if you use other tools to communicate internally. Convo's IMAP integration allows users to receive and send emails without ever opening your email inbox.

Do you use a customized email domain? Do not fear not using costly email services as Convo is able to integrate to whichever email inbox you wish to use for your company. Just add inbox specific details of serve and port to authenticate Convo to show you the emails in real-time.

Use emails in style without ever hoping out of your enterprise communication tool. Convo seamlessly allows users to select their integration from a new post so that users do not have to open their inbox to generate and dispatch emails. Moreover, when emails are posted in to Convo, users can even perform other inbox actions of Mark as read, Forward, Delete and Report spam.

We're available for UI/UX projects. Email us at [email protected]

Thanks for your valuable time! L for 💙💙💙

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