The Room For One & The Burden Of...

I am happy to share this 2 illustrations I created for The Cheltenham Illustration Awards 2022.

The Room For One

This illustration has been selected for the final round of The Cheltenham Illustration Awards 2022 in the Emerging And Established category. The winners are not announced yet, but I'm already proud of this achievement.

This image is about depression. The state of desolation and emptiness. Like you are vanishing, dissolving. Feeling of being numb, being stuck, being cornered. Being on your own, isolated, watching the outside world, where is no space for you.

The Burden Of...

I have no dream job. I do not dream of labor. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a sellable commodity. Preferably profitable. In the time of late capitalism monetization is one of the measures of success. I haven't figured my relationship with money yet, but capitalism upsets me in many ways.

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