The Girl and the Mascot (book cover)

The cover for the book "Wings of the wind. The Girl and the mascot" by Natalia Markelova.

The illustration was made detailed. I worked out the main elements - the heroine and the mascot. The forest, the castle, the hands, the plants are less developed so as not to attract much attention.

All the images are connected with the description of the book:

The girl, the mascot are the main ones in the plot and title.

The castle is a reference to the family, the genus, is in the description of the book.

Hands are a symbol of help and a closer brother.

Forest, plants - entourage elements.

I chose "magic" colors for the palette.

Dark, blue, purple, pink shades.

I added orange and yellow for contact.

Light blue hair, a glowing talisman, a light pink face primarily attract attention. Due to the large number of details, the cover is interesting to consider.

Plot description:

In this world, shadows follow you on your heels, and ancient castles whisper their names. This dark world is my home.

I am the Daughter, the heiress of the castle of the Gray Lands. A disgrace to the family, a traitor who forgot about the honor of the family. A girl who took the oath of a Wandering Magician and accepted the Curse of the Way for the sake of saving her brother. Now I have to face my fears face to face: to gain true knowledge about myself and my powers, to pass the Test of magicians and reveal the dark secret of my kind, so long and carefully guarded. My path is full of difficulties. But I have a goal, and anyone who burns this fire can overcome anything. My journey begins right now.

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