Medical Dashboard

Hello Creatives!

This is an exploration for a doctor's dashboard, complete with all the necessary information from the  ability to view patient medical history, see upcoming appointments, calendar entries and more.

Here are the specifics:

Colours - 

Ocean Blue (#3E36B0) - Used as primary Colour

Non-Photo Blue (#A6DEF7) - Used as Primary colour

White (#FFFFFF) - Used as Background colour

Electric Pink (#F62088) - Used as Accent colour

Beau Blue (#B9DDDF) - Used as Accent colour

Pale Lavender (# D9D9FF) - Used as Accent colour


Poppins (Regular, Bold) - A simple and classic font


All images are used from Unsplash

Our Designer says - I used a neutral color scheme with blue shades to give a well-balanced look with a few accenting interface touches. The colors, as well as the page structure, help users to understand the provided information quicker which is vital for information-providing products and monitoring services like a medical dashboard.

I hope you enjoy exploring this shot.

Don't forget to press "<3" and comment.

Thanks :)


Download file link here


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