B&H Freight Line - Web Design

For more than 75 years, B&H Freight has proudly served rural markets around the Kansas City area. Standing out from the crowd of national freight lines was an important step in better serving their clients around the area, so B&H approached our award-winning web design team to create a site experience truly to unique to their business.

Their design was centered around presenting B&H as what they are: true Kansas City residents. They live and shop in the same areas they serve, helping them better serve local clients with personal service compared to the more corporate dealings with larger logistics companies.

By focusing on the people of B&H Freight, our team humanized their brand and helped showcase their team culture. This redesign not only entices clients to work with them, but prospective employees as well.

To better serve the potential new employees, we also created a "Career Finder" tool that matches candidates to opportunities that best fit their skills.

Every bit of the redesign, from menus to content, was chosen to best demonstrate the greatest asset of B&H Freight; its passionate and local workforce.

Made with 💜 in Kansas City

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Lifted Logic
We are nerds in love with the web

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