Mobile App - map & coupon redemption


Our closed user group deals app offers exclusive discounts and deals to members of a specific organization. Members can access deals on a variety of products and services, from restaurants and entertainment to fitness and wellness. However, our users were experiencing frustration with two key features of the app: the map search function, which made it difficult to find deals in their area, and the coupon redemption flow, which was confusing and time-consuming.


Our challenge was to design a solution that would make it easier for users to find deals in their area and redeem coupons without friction. Our goal was to create a seamless and intuitive user experience that would increase engagement with the app and ultimately drive more business to our partners.


We began by conducting user research to understand how members were using the app, and what pain points they were experiencing with the map search and coupon redemption flow. We also interviewed users who had stopped using the app, to gather feedback on what could be improved to encourage continued engagement.

Based on our research, we identified the following design principles for our new map search and coupon redemption flow:

  1. Streamlined search: The map search function should be easy to use and provide results that are relevant to the user's location and preferences.

  2. Clear and concise: The coupon redemption flow should provide clear and concise instructions for how to redeem a deal, without unnecessary steps or confusion.

  3. User-friendly: The entire user experience should be designed with the user in mind, with a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy to find and redeem deals.

With these design principles in mind, we created a new map search function that used geolocation data to show users deals that were relevant to their location, with a simple filtering system that allowed them to search by category and distance. We also redesigned the coupon redemption flow to be more user-friendly, with clear instructions and a streamlined process that required fewer steps to complete.

Results The new map search and coupon redemption flow were launched in June 2021, and the results were impressive. Here are some of the key metrics we tracked:

  • Increased engagement: Members who had stopped using the app began using it again, and overall engagement with the app increased by 20%.

  • Increased revenue: The new features drove more business to our partners, resulting in a 15% increase in revenue from deals sold through the app.

  • Positive feedback: Users reported that the new features were easy to use and improved their experience with the app, with a satisfaction rate of 96%.

  • Reduced friction: The new coupon redemption flow reduced the number of support inquiries and complaints, as users found it easier to redeem their deals without any issues.


By applying user-centered design principles and collaborating closely with our users, we were able to create a more streamlined and user-friendly experience for the map search and coupon redemption flow of our closed user group deals app. Our experience highlights the importance of understanding user needs and incorporating them into the design process, as well as the potential impact that even small design changes can have on user engagement and business revenue.

More by Olivia Vaughan

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