Uber Eats Mobile Widget Design (iOS)

Notifications are out, widgets are in.

Tokyo is home to countless unique restaurants and intriguing, delicious dishes, and there's nothing I enjoy more than ordering something new and exciting to be delivered straight to my front door.

With its' iconic green loading screen and simple, image-heavy navigation, I'm a really big fan of the Uber Eats app, and prefer it over some of the more popular Japanese delivery app alternatives.

However, there is one thing that I find a bit frustrating about Uber Eats - the constant notifications.

Each time my meal gets closer to my front door, I receive a new notification. The notifications guide me to open the Uber Eats app and track the meal's status; a somewhat unnecessary process thanks to the concept of 'widgets', which are now commonly found on the majority of modern smart phone devices.

One day, as I clicked through the app to track my delivery, I decided to try my hand at designing an Uber Eats widget that would look at home amongst the others on my iPhone.

This was the result.

Posted on Oct 21, 2022

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