Book Trailer

I recently made a prototype trailer for a book. - I put the link of the video below, so you can check it out and get a feel for my work.

A few key points to notice :

- The trailer is clear, the book might be complex, but the book trailer is simple and easy to follow. It's really hard to summarize the plot of a novel in a few sentences, especially when the author has spent months or years writing it. But I didn’t give away too much. Sometimes even the setup to a novel, instead of a full summary, does the job of catching the viewer's interest.

- The trailer show off the asset. The cover art is in the end of the trailer, so the new fans know what to look out for at the bookshop.

- The trailer was made in 5 days. 

- Studies done by ComScore show that readers are 64% more likely to buy a book just by seeing advertising for it.

Here is the video link

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