Pitchground reDesign

What's PitchGround?

PitchGround is a Lifetime Deal SaaS marketplace that helps online businesses grow. It has over 30K customers and gets over 180K traffic every month.

Checkout live on: https://pitchground.com/

About The Project

I'm the only product designer who worked on the project in collaboration with the CEO, COO, CTO, the marketing, and customer support team. Basically the whole company was involved in certain ways 😅.

We had to get the new design live before black friday 2021.

Why Redesign?

The company hadn't focused on the design previously. They only relied on Marketing. They wanted to provide a more functional design and delightful experience to their customers.

They also had gathered customer feedbacks regarding certain issues on the site which they wanted to solve with the new design.

The Impact

The new UI helped improve the user trust and credibility of the platform. We received a lot of good reviews from our existing customers.

We did a close to $1 Million Dollar (USD) in sale in Black Friday 2021. Don't remember the exact numbers but I guess we did 1.3-1.5x of the last Black Friday.

But it wasn't just the new UI, the company had grown from last year, the deals on the platform, marketing all made it possible.

We followed the Material UI design system.

Looking forward to hear your thoughts :)


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