A Painting website (Heart Of Art)

It's a website(Called "Heart Of Art") where painter get chance to learn & share there painting with other , can sell also.

here , i put online classes for painter's who are keen to learn new art, and also sell there art to customer.


1. Research : initially , i research about the website who are similar to my ideas . compitators are elizabethmossgalleries,homafy,vibecrafts and many more. but i analyse that they can't promote the new generation talent or new art.

2. wireframe : I equally divide the portion for all collective information. divide the portion for images or painting. At that time , i got a idea in my head that i can also sell the old art handbags & decor plate for wall.

3. design : initially , i make the grid lines for equal proportions of my content. i collect all images , Add Font , Font Size , Color Combinations , make important assets , rectangles for content & images part.then i started design for painting website and promote the real & new talent , teach them online to attract the new generation towards old & real art.

4. prototype : prototype will help us to locate one frame to another frame.

5. user testing : i show my all designs to my developer friends And they Also suggest me many things and ideas which i re- create in my projects.

Go & Check this design i have mention below ......

Demo: https://www.figma.com/file/GY5mxDvqlqCqKYxN528IKK/painting-site?node-id=0%3A1

Prototype Demo : https://www.figma.com/proto/GY5mxDvqlqCqKYxN528IKK/painting-site?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=12%3A45&viewport=2044%2C3394%2C0.22&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=12%3A45

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