Yogesh - Personal Website, Branding

As a designer working on your own website is definitely the hardest thing to do, and I think other designers can agree with this.

After working on multiple portfolio websites for years and not liking every single design after a while, I finally designed one minimal site that I love.

Throughout the years I've grown from more than just a designer. I wanted my personal website to tell who I am, share my journey, my ongoing and failed side projects.

As I do design, have side projects, and no-code development, I didn't want to mix up everything. Instead I linked the design portfolio to a different platform. I will be linking development portfolio soon.

The development is ongoing. But you can see the live website on: yog.sh or yogsh.webflow.io.

I'm building it with webflow.


As a freelance developer, I needed an invoice that I can reuse. I wanted it to match the website's look and feel.

Social Media

I was pretty active on Twitter and having a catchy and consistent tweet format, color, screenshots, images is necessary to build a brand on Twitter.

Just like companies, personal brand can also be related with color.

I mixed up the primary purple color with pink to create a gradient that blended well and was bright enough to catch people's attention.

And I had rarely seen creators using this color combination so It would be helpful to create a unique impression on Twitter.

Every components, images used in my tweet needs to have:

a shadow, and a 12 px radius.

Press 'L' to like ❤️ the project. ⚡️ I'm open to new projects! Email me — [email protected]

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