Inkwood Art Challenge • Intro

I’m joining the Inkwood Art Challenge. 

(follow along on Instagram)


I will be posting an illustration a day based on the provided prompt list for the whole month of October.

I’ve never done a month-long art challenge before, so I’m really pumped to see how this goes. I’m looking forward to the challenge.

31 illustrations in such a short amount of time is a lot. It can be daunting but I’m going to take it one illustration at a time and think of it as being 31 opportunities to reach a few goals:

• Become more efficient with my illustration process - from sketch to vector

• Hone in on my illustration style

• Have fun!

I’ll be leaning into a few different areas of interest - nature, mythical, fantasy, adventure.

Really, really looking forward to this. Let’s gooo! 

More by Isaac Hanson

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