A local travel app
This is a project I did in the company: Let users eat, drink and play in local cities around local life. If you like it, you can download <a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/%E5%90%8C%E7%A8%8B%E6%97%85%E8%A1%8C-%E8%AE%A2%E9%85%92%E5%BA%97%E6%9C%BA%E7%A5%A8%E7%81%AB%E8%BD%A6%E7%A5%A8-%E4%BD%8E%E4%BB%B7%E6%89%93%E8%BD%A6/id475966832?l=zh">this app</a> to experience it, you are welcome to download and register. If you need design consulting services, you can also privately message the WeChat of my homepage, I would be very grateful.
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