Form in context

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Converting two-dimensional graphic form into contextual content.

SUBJECT – Choose a subject. Visualize it by abstracting it into a basic simplified

form like a pictogram. The subject should not lose its original meaning.

SUBJECT IN GEOMETRY – Transform a three-dimensional subject into two-dimensional

dimensional geometric styles drawing by using basic geometrical forms. Try to

demonstrate the volume of the object.

SUBJECT ON FIRE – Put chosen subject into context. Visualize a simplified object

in the burning situation. Connect two meanings (fire + subject) into one. The final

result should be an ideogram of the burning subject.

SUBJECT MELTING - Put chosen subject into context. Visualize a simplified object

in a melting situation. Give your subject additional meaning by putting it into

melting situation. The final result should be an ideogram of the melting subject.

SUBJECT ON PATTERN – Use chose the subject and create a pattern by repeating it

predictably. Create structure by multiplying subjects. Use effects

like multiplying, scaling, and rotating to create a decorative design.

SUBJECT WITH TEXTURE – Apply any structure to the chosen subject. The structure

can be created on your own or applied. The subject should not lose its form.



using positive and negative drawings of the subject. Use effects like multiplying,

scaling, and rotating to create an intriguing composition.

SUBJECT IN CREATIVE CONTEXT – Put the subject into a creative context that will

give him new or additional meaning.

The objective is to explore form and its meaning. By putting an object into different

contexts you will explore its graphic potential and get drawing skills.

More by Abdulah Hodzic

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