Abstract Gradients in Adobe Illustrator — Skillshare Class

I love playing around with the Gradient Meshes in Adobe Illustrator and all of the different exciting abstract shapes and compositions you can create by distorting them!

Even though mesh-based designs can appear rather complex, when you focus on the different aspects of the design at each stage of the process, you can develop your work visually in a more advanced manner, take full creative control over your artwork, and customise it to make it uniquely yours — and that’s what my new Skillshare class Abstract Gradients in Adobe Illustrator: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Organic Vibrant Artworks is all about!

Don't hesitate to check it out, and if you are new to Skillshare, you can sign up using this link to get 1 free month of Skillshare Membership and unlock unlimited access to all our classes & thousands of other classes on the platform!​​​​​​​

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