Unplug Meditation App - Case Study

After 12 weeks of intense UI training at Memorisely, I explored a redesign of the Unplug app to improve the current app experience, adapting the UI to a more cohesive design system, and improving the accessibility and usability of the app. This project was created during the 12 weeks of Bootcamp and took about 5 weeks from research to development. See Prototype


User Research, Competitive analysis, UI Design, Design System , Prototyping, Visual design.


For this case study, we were tasked with improving the overall interface of Unplug. Unplug is a meditation app in a competitive industry, and their current product has some accessibility problems, lacks hierarchy of information, and has inconsistency issues with components and overall aesthetics. How might we improve usability of the current app to tell a more compelling story.


I interviewed a few friends to gather more insight on how the current experience might affect usability. all these insights were gathered to impact and analyze the research findings. I created a user persona to help shape product strategy for the app.


My market research was two pronged. First, I began by looking at the most popular meditation app on the market: Calm and Headspace. I analyzed what their features are, what makes the UI so compelling and improves usage retention, and common or unique UI patterns. Second, the research is targeted towards the apps that are solving common user problems.


Armed with user and market research insights, I created a series of project goals to guide my design process.


Based on the project requirements and goals, I created three user flows to display the main paths users will take to reach a successful outcome while reducing friction.


I started by analyzing the loopholes in the current app, and scribbled my thought processes on Miro to figure out the fit-for-use, declutter the current app and improve the overall experience.


The approach was heavily on improving the app experience for Unplug, I revisited the color style, Approached it with earth like colors, a mild shade of purple and brown to keep the interface warm and calm. Every decision on how the app looks and feels is deliberate towards having a much improved experience for the user.


For cohesiveness and form, I have designed interactive components as it helps to access different variant within a component set. Each designed with accessibility in mind.


Here is the link to my final Prototype. Below I have outlined the solutions I implemented for each project goal and product demo.

Problem 1-4

Improved Information Architecture

Filter Search improved for Discover & Courses

Improved overall app experience

Created a design system to improve cohesion and consistency

Realtime Feedback

I had 15 minutes to present the case study to my colleagues at the Bootcamp; here is some exciting feedback I cubbed. I want to also state that it was an intense 12 weeks of learning. Amazing people at Memorisely who are constantly making learning accessible.

Result & Outcome

It was a learning experience for me as It impacted my ability to design with intent and data; this app requires a bit more digging into understanding how different users react to aesthetics and function; I also learnt that the design is as good as how it looks and feels. I would love to also see an update to the Unplug interface in the nearest future.

There are also other features beyond the scope of this project that I would love to touch base on, such as:

  • Live meditation sessions

  • Chat features

  • Tools & Courses.

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