Trusty - Dog Walking App

Design Brief

This dog walking app was completed as a part of Dribbble's Product Design Course. We were given a project brief, weekly check-ins, and brainstorming sessions, but the end result was up to us.

Here are my research, user flows, the design, and the prototype I created as a result. Enjoy!

User Persona

Based on the conducted user interviews, a niche of busy city dwellers stood out, underserved by current solutions. The complexity and timeframe to find high-quality walkers for last-minute demands were determined as the main problem.

User Flow

Based on user research of competitive applications I created a simple basic user flow to start with. Taking into consideration the need for finding walkers fast, I amended the flow to feature a Uber-like immediate booking style.


During this stage, there were a lot of iterations and brainstorming on the layout and goal that I wanted to capture for each screen. 

I started off sketching with pen and paper, and once I had a general layout in mind for each screen, I moved to Figma and created low-fidelity wireframes.

There were times when I was in the visual design stage and realized some of the layouts I put together didn't make sense and would go back to the drawing board. One screen, in particular, was the homepage that I constantly went back and forth with to make the most important actions more prominent.

UI Design

The overall design of the app revolved around 3 words: 

trustspeed, and fun.

Based on these three concepts, I put together a mood board to get a better idea of how I wanted my application to look and feel.

To ensure that there's brand consistency & scalability across all screen designs, I created a basic branding library which consists of color, typography, grid, and components.

Enter your text here...


Finally, I combined the screens using Figma's prototyping tools to create a cohesive, high-fidelity flow through the booking flow. Then, I did a little bit of user testing and implemented a few changes to my final prototype, which you can see below. 

A little peek at the Prototype in Figma.


Thank you to the team at Dribbble & Jesse Showalter for this incredible course as well as Adrianna LeBlanc for your guidance and feedback during our mentor sessions. It was a blast. ✨🙏

Posted on Aug 28, 2022

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