Filtering and Sorting
I continue sharing product solutions of already built considerable ERP systems. In the previous shot, I showed the details of sorting and filtering without context and now I would like to fix it 😊
When developing some flows, it was possible to hide filters and use default sorting depending on deadlines, which was generally convenient and understandable for users.
But in some cases, filtering and sorting played a key role when working with the system. For example, when searching for a carrier, a logistician should be able to filter unreliable or too expensive carriers, carriers who do not travel in the required direction or do not have suitable cars. Therefore, in a particular case, the filters are always visible and do not hide even when scrolling.
In some cases, there is a possibility of multi-selection in filters, so they were hidden in the simple pop-up.
Some time after the development, I can say with confidence that after several iterations, we have chosen the right solutions for each user scenario.
Open to work
I’ve finished all the projects and now I'm available for a new Product Design job! Email me at [email protected]