The Graphic Sculptures® Project


The Graphic Sculptures® are extensions of flat graphics in 3D space. They call them multidimensional drawings. It's not about painting over volumes or placing grids of ornaments over them, but drawing through space...

Project goal

The Graphic Sculptures® are unique digital works of art. They do not yet exist in the material world. So the challenge was to get them to the public.

My role: Graphic, Web & Motion Design, Creative Direction

Initial thoughts

I spent lots of time with Ingrid Magalinska – the author of the artworks, discussing the way the Graphic Sculptures® should appear in all project aspects (pen ink or pencil drawings, digital renderings, VR galleries and material copies). We agreed to stay away from any form of hyperrealistic renderings imitating fake appearance from the real world, but stick to more conditional visuals revealing the art itself.

BEYOND (detail)

We also agreed to avoid possible 3D associations when talking about pure art. People often think of 3D renderings as machine generated stuff. In our case, the only parallel with it was the fact that the sculptures have been initially created digitally using 3D modeling tools and not from clay, metal or stone. And we use multiple digital methods to showcase our work.

BEYOND (detail)
BEYOND (detail)

My approach

I was to develop a Deign System for the project first, including a logo, titles, graphics, motion graphics, color schemes, sound and all other elements needed to build a recognizable visual presence.

Since it was not about a standard product or service, it had to be treated accordingly. I was dealing with beautiful art pieces carrying unique messages.

So I decided to use quite a different approach.

I put the sculptures straight under the stage lights and let the graphic identity assets serve as a supporting background.

I used a simple symbol and bold readable sans serif typeface for the Logo and a kind of conventional motion for the Logo Reveal animation, not directly associated with art strokes or multiple dimensions.

To amplify the “plain black-and-white” effect of the graphics that contrasts with the three-dimensional sculptures, I applied a simple monochromatic color scheme (true black, chromatic grays and off-whites) with a couple of additional color accents.

Social media

 360º previews

Along with the videos I started creating 360º previews to let the viewer explore the artworks from all sides (more 360º visualizations can be found at

The future

We are now developing a concept for implementing Graphic Sculptures® artworks in augmented reality - the Graphic Sculptures® Virtual Gallery. As this phase is still in development, it is confidential and samples cannot be publicly disclosed until the official launch.

Material versions are also on the way.

More by Stefan Krastanov (Steve Long)

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