Web Design for Department of Telecommunication Engineering.

The project was to design a website for the Department of Telecommunication Engineer, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Sindh.

Mission: Make the access easy for students to the course contents and course scheme, so they may know what they are going to learn in their graduation program.

Challenges: The students were feeling difficulties to get the course contents on the website. When we gone through the website, course contents were there but there easy-access wasn't available. And it wasn't well-designed.

Solution: I found that problem was that students were not familiar to the contents and many even didn't know that there was such thing exist. I came up with the solution that making the design more interactive and the accessibility of contents easy to available for the students will solve this problem, so I redesigned the website and for the availability of contents, I put the "course contents" and "course scheme" buttons on the front page.

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