Seaweerds – Logo, Tagline, Narratives

Real adventure is full of twists and turns.


But that makes it more exciting.

Embrace it, and experience

authentic #freedom.


For full presentation (click here)



Seaweerds was founded by

three young professionals

who love to #travel and

seek #adventure.


They decided to establish

an #apparel brand and cater to

target market like them.


The brand name was derived

from the two words “Sea” &

“Weird” – misspelled as “Weerd”.


It represents freedom (Sea) and

being authentic to one’s self (Weird).

The name as a whole implies

“Authentic Freedom”.


Also, they are planning to collaborate

with environmentalists to help

in protecting #nature.




One of the co-founders reached out to me

and seek help in designing their #logo.


Upon knowing all information

about their brand, I found out

that they need clarification

to know what’s their personality

and how they should communicate

with their target market.


So we conducted a #discovery session

to align and clarify every aspect

of their brand before designing

their logo.




We agreed to adopt “The #Explorer”

as a dominant personality and

“The #Caregiver” to differentiate them.


Therefore, 70% of their Brand Voice

should be exciting, daring, and fearless

while the 30% should convey caring,

reassuring, and warm.


Also, I’ve come up with a tagline

“Embracing Authentic Freedom”

as the core of their verbal identity

and where their logo was inspired from.


As you could see the incorporation

of wave (upper), road/check/smile (lower),

embrace (negative space), forming

their initial (letter S), and making

a subtle weird emoji.

More by Hernani Talledo

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