Wasfia Makes History by scailing K2

Wasfia Nazreen - ওয়াসফিয়া নাজরীন, 39, of Bangladesh, became the first person from our country to conquer Pakistan's renowned K2, the world's second highest peak, according to her expedition. Wasfia is well renowned for being the only Bangladeshi and the first Bangale to climb the Seven Summits, which are the highest peak on each continent. which included some of the world's strongest and most recognized climbers, including MingmaTenzi Sherpa, Mingma David Sherpa, and Nirmal Purja. Pakistan is home to five of the world's 14 8,000-meter mountains, and climbing them all is considered the pinnacle of mountaineering. Aside from being significantly more technically challenging to climb than Everest, K2 has famously unpredictable weather and has only been conquered by a few people.


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