Social Promo Design - Bright Live
Creating Dynamic Promotional Content Automatically!
I was tasked with creating a set of promotional tools that Bright's marketing team and Roster of 200+ Creators could use to promote their sessions held on Bright.
The goal of the project was to support creators promotion efforts by providing natural opportunities to promote their events outside their regular posting schedule and give them the resources to promote within their regular posting.
The main focus is on the creator and their content. Bold typography is used so the most important content can always be ready quickly and easily. The colored lines are an abstract representation of refracted white light, a visual nod to the name of the platform (In other words it's a rainbow) they are used used to connect the various posts together in a recognizable way.
Automating production
After we established the design system to move forward with we needed a way to create these promo pieces quickly for our growing roster of creators. The most prevalent production concerns we had were speed, volume, and quality control.
I research and experienced techniques for producing these by hand before landing on a solution that would let me automate the entire production process.
I worked with several teams to converge all the various pieces of information I needed into an airtable database, then I used Make (formerly integromat) and the API platform Bannerbear to take the dynamic information and provided imagery and slot it into the templates I had designed.
This freed up a lot of design resources to push forward other important projects while also providing the ability to deliver promo tools to our creators in greater volume, faster, and with greater control of the quality.