Handmade in Brugge Website & Webshop
Handmade in Brugge aims to be the face for all ‘makers’ in Bruges. Bruges has a vast history of local craft, as well as a long-standing, rock-solid reputation in the field of traditional craftsmanship. Handmade in Brugge’s mission is to bring local makers together, make their offerings known to the general public, and introduce tourists to our craft.
We’ve now expanded on this webshop significantly and added a lot more content to the platform. Makers are now able to have a permanent digital home base where they can promote themselves, their process, and their products – all on an easy-to-use & highly presentable platform.
In addition to this registry of ‘label holders’, the website also showcases news, events, and projects related to local artisanship. The site uses an immensely user-friendly CMS, where both content and products in the shop can be combined very easily.
Discover full website here
Branding made by Bloudruk