Octocrew Stream Team Site

Designed & developed in 12 hours

It's like a mini hackathon! Why not sit down on a random Tuesday, forego sleep, and knock out a website.

Was it my best work? No definitely not.

Was it a challenge and fun as hell? Absolutely.

Wanna see it irl? octocrew.gg

A directory and community hub

Streamers know that their community is the driving force behind success. People don't just come to watch their favorite games after work or school, they're logging on to hang out with friends in these rich communities.

Often times these communities span further than just one channel; Stream team sites provide watchers with a live view of who's who and who's online.

Of course we have a mini design system, who do you think I am??

I ended up creating custom borders for every member of the stream team in their brand colors for use on the site. Sometimes the strangest constraints are the most fun to work with. I also created a few illustrations to spice up empty searches and 404 pages. Did they deserve a bit more time? 100% But I think they work fine until I find another random Tuesday to forego sleep and iterate. 

More by Charlotte de Wolfe

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