Craigslist Redesign (Part 4)- Search Screen

I also wanted to improve and modernize the visuals of pages after you have selected a search item or filter. I used Airbnb's search design as my inspiration for this page. The really good thing about Craigslist's current design after you have searched an item, is the ability to easily update your filters to see different results. I wanted to keep that feature, with just improvements on the visuals. The filter/search bar on this screen allows you to filter your search to be even more specific, with even more filters available (if desired, by clicking the "more filters" button). This also includes a map portion, which is super important when searching Craigslist, so I wanted to make that a point of emphasis for the user and their ability to see where the item they are looking for is located in their area. The pictures are off to the side of the map (with two lines of content underneath, represented by the lines) to provide visuals of what you are searching. Each picture is clickable and when you hover over the picture, the pin on the map would turn purple to highlight where it is located on the map. You could also click on a pin on the map and that would prompt the picture of the search item to appear above the pin and click through to the individual page of the item. This again modernizes the Craigslist experience in both visual and ux design, by keeping the emphasis on the ease of use for the user and their goal of finding and searching for items.

More by Anthony Restivo

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