Super Walk


Super Walk came from explorations of simplifying the process of finding a trustworthy dog walker. The goal was to create an experience that conveyed simplicity, reliability, and friendliness.

The Problem

Dog owners wanted to find someone they could trust to take their dog on walks without having to go through with the commitment of signing up for a service they may not use. Some apps gave no information about walkers until payment methods were entered, while others asked users for private information before showing walkers. There was an opportunity to simplify this process.

User Research

I interviewed dog owners near me who have used dog walking services. Some of the big takeaways revolved around ease of booking and reliability of walkers. With that in hand, the following persona was created.

User Flows

To find routes for owners to browse walkers without feeling the friction of entering in their personal info or payment method, I created User Flows to find the balance between speed and helpful user input.


Taking the findings from research, finding helpful patterns emerged in quickly wireframing out the User Flows.

Building for speed and consistency

One of my favorite things to do is build things that help people build things, such as UI Kits. Landing on key styles and components from wireframing helped clarify what was needed in tightening up the visual designs.

Visual Design

Building and then leveraging the UI Kit allowed the high-fidelity designs to flow out quickly.


Building out a prototype and getting feedback revealed some pain points.

1. After choosing a date and time in the Sign Up flow, there was no reference to those data points on the Walkers list view.

2. When landing on the Walkers list, Users were slightly disoriented as to what the list was. Adding in guiding text in the nav bar helped solve this issue.

You can check out the prototype here.


After testing, I also identified many other challenges to focus on for later, such as:

  • Booking multi-dog walks

  • Showcasing more dog services, such as training, grooming, etc...

  • Clearly communicating weekly walk rates from walkers

Micah Lanier
Product Design, Branding, Illustration
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