🐶 Fetch! - Dog Walking Made Easier

Problem Statement

Finding a trusted Dog Walker can be Hard!

This APP aims to find a better solution for the end user by making a safer method of vetting and meeting the dog owners before they book a session with their beloved Pet.

User Research

From the User Interviews the majority of the users wanted to have a feature where they can screen the walkers for a safer experience.

87% of the users interviewed mentioned they thought this was an important part of them feeling safer to use the APP.

User Flow Diagram

Here I have mapped out 2 possible routes to build

Step 1 - Adding the Pet

Step 2 - Selecting the Waker (this is the MVP) I chose to explore

The main flow was to focus on the user getting the vet or make a call with the walker so that they can know before they book if its a right fit for them


The Ideate process of wire-framing was to flesh out many ideas and possible solutions of how the user can visually navigate through the APP in a clear and simple way.

Visual Design

The Visual Choices for this APP were a more natural and clean look, making sure the trigger points were big for interaction, as well as a cohesive brand identity carried throughout the Application.

User Testing

The finding for this app, is that there is never a 100% way of getting a secure walker, but the solution of vetting the owner yourself with either a video call, or a visit face to face does elevate a big pain point for the user.

The next iteration, I would make a more detailed screening process of vetting, so looking more into better ways of building upon the basic function that I have built.

More by Pritesh Chauhan

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