Illustrated Houseplant Poster
First multi-houseplant poster design finished and available in my Etsy shop: WrightXD.
As a selective perfectionist–meaning I am a perfectionist about things I care about and not so much about things I don’t–I obsessed over the layout of this poster for weeks before determining it was “done.”
Almost immediately, I saw a plant I thought was out of place or could’ve been illustrated better.In my art and my life, I can be obsessive about how things look, or how skilled I am accomplishing certain tasks.
While I think that obsessiveness/perfectionism is a characteristic of myself that has great value, it can also be a source of discontent and a thief of joy.
While I have not yet perfected (🤣😉) a healthy balance between quality work and obsessive behavior, I am at least aware of how this trait plays out in my life and the lives of those I care about– which is the first step toward growth.
All of that to say, I hope you enjoy this poster I obsessively designed and redesigned over the past 6-7 weeks.
^^^a ridiculous amount of time if you consider most of the included plants were already created when I started designing this poster 😬