Humanforce Redesign

Why would a SaaS company as big and successful as Humanforce ever need an agency like Clean Commit to help them rebuild their website? They’re a software company. They have an entire team dedicated to writing code.

Well, it turns out that those guys are busy. They’re focused on moving the product forward, fixing bugs and building new features.

The Humanforce marketing team on the other focuses on the website but doesn’t have the technical or design skills to make the changes they need.

This is where we entered the picture.

When we started to help Humanforce they were halfway through an existing redesign. This is the worst possible place to pick up a project. The homepage had been designed, and that set the tone for the rest of the site.

As we settled into the project we were thrown a big curveball. They wanted us to build the website page by page.

For anyone that doesn’t understand why this is difficult, it’s like running creating two copies of website files to run a single site. Fixing issues takes longer, changes often need to be made in two spots and everything becomes a bit more complicated.

Jumping a few months down the track, we managed to complete Humanforce’s vision for their site and were able to dump the legacy files (phew!) and start working on optimising their site.

This is where the story ends. Not because we’re finished, but because we’re in the middle of getting their site as fast as possible.

With a user based in the U.S., U.K. and Australia, we’re testing different server and CDN configurations to achieve the ultimate performance. We’ll stop when Lighthouse reads 100/100 😎.

Do you want a new website while your company is growing?

We have experience creating websites for startups and 6 figure companies.

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Clean Commit
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