Notifications & Mentions 🔔

Hey design peeps 🌺

While we had already implemented comments into Pennylane, communication between business owners and accountants remained a little bit squeaky. To make them leave emails for good, we are now introducing Mentions & Notifications! Users will receive a notification whenever someone mentions their name in Pennylane. Mentions can be found in the notification centre, accessible from all parts of Pennylane, so the most pressing questions are gathered in one place. It is now being deployed for a couple hundred companies, and soon to our entire user base!

We hope it will: 

➡️ Allow our users to have a clear view on their emergencies and manage them efficiently ; 

➡️ Make communication between accountants and business owners butter-smooth ; 

➡️ Fast-track invoices and transactions processing!

We know this is just the beginning, as there are plenty of other occasions for which our users would like to be notified. As we release this first version, ideas are already bubbling with our next steps.

Let us know what you think in the comments, we’d be happy to chat about design choices!

🔥 Follow our dribbble team for more shots!

💡 We’re hiring sharp, full-stack product designers to join us and build the financial OS of the future for SMEs and their accountants. Check out our job openings!

🌍 Learn more about Pennylane on our website.